Upcoming server reboots

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by n0name, Sep 13, 2018.

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  1. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    This is a short-term announcement about reboots happening to the following machines in a few hours:
    • Game 1 - 06:00 CET
    • Game 4 - 02:30 EST
    • Game 5 - 02:30 EST
    For the first two servers, please refer to https://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/server-specifications.13184/ for more details on which servers are going to be affected. The latter one only hosts the L4D2 servers.

    These reboots are necessary to fix a critical security issue present in Intel CPUs and is done by our host to the actual machine (bare metal) hosting the above VPS instances.
    After the OS itself is rebooted, all gameservers should start automatically.
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