Resolved Zombie Escape !report uses radio command and does not bring up the report feature

Discussion in 'Report a problem (archive)' started by Spartan, Mar 9, 2017.

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  1. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    As said in title, the !report command in zombie escape plays the radio command, I'd suggest removing the radio command so that the report command is consistently available so that it is easier to report players who are mic-spamming.

    Overall, if players do not know how to report through console, there are going to be less reports as it does not work in game, unless I am mistaken and there is an in game command to compensate for the radio command's priority.

    I'd suggest making it so the !report command links to the report a player feature like on every other server.
  2. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Seems like there was some sort of plugin conflict going on.
    Removed the causing plugin, and it works now again.
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