Tip of the Hats 2018!

Discussion in 'Updates' started by FoG BOT, Oct 5, 2018.

  1. FoG BOT

    FoG BOT BOT Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Tip of the Hats returns this weekend, live 11am-11pm CDT from October 5th through the 7th!

    Since 2013, Tip of the Hats has raised over $750,000 for Camp One Step, a charity providing camps and other programs allowing kids with cancer to enjoy being just kids. Tune in for three straight days of TF2 and a variety of other games, with a truly phenomenal lineup of special guests! This year's event is going to be better than ever, but if you're not able to watch it while it's live, you can still join in on the giving; donations are open now. The event will be streamed live on the tipofthehats Twitch channel, and you can keep up with the production by following their Twitter.

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  2. Enjoyker

    Enjoyker Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    ew no
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