Review a Game In this thread you have to review a game that not many people you know played, and that you thought was exceptionally good, exceptionally bad or exceptionally mediocre. The rules are simple, no free browser games, no famous or well-known games and no saying things like “omG mIenCraFfFf best game evyur no flas 100/10 XXXDDD” since every game has its flaws. Also, if you own a game that somebody reviewed, reply stating what YOU thought of it, but in a simpler manner. Template Short Intro: (Just say what game you’re reviewing and why.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Aspects (Write what you think about these aspects of the game) • Graphics: (Shit, slightly less shit etc.) • Controls: (Confortable, jerky etc.) • A.I: (Dumb, realistic etc.) • Genre: (Stealth, fps etc.) • Music: (Great, had mute on etc.) • Voice Acting: (Sonic ’06, not bad etc.) • Difficulty: (Nicely challenging, terrible easy etc.) • Replayability: (None, a little etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Summary: (Write a summary of the story at least three sentences long, mark spoilers please!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay summary: (Write a summary of what it is you do in the game you are reviewing.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal opinion: (Write what you personally thought about the game, and how much you rate it from 1 to 10) TL;DR: Review a game with the template above, no free browser games, no famous or well-known games and no saying things like “omG mIenCraFfFf best game evyur no flas 100/10 XXXDDD” since every game has its flaws. Also, if you own a game that somebody reviewed, reply stating what YOU thought of it, but in a simpler manner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dishonored review----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Intro: For my example review I shall be reviewing Dishonored, since I played this game without knowing anything at all about it, but it was one of the best games I have ever played. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Aspects • Graphics: Could be better, but still pretty good. • Controls: I personally haven’t played it on a console, but my friends said it was better to play it on PC, so I’ll have to take their word for it. • A.I: Pretty Smart, but lacking in a few areas. • Genre: Stealth, but if you wanted to you could go on a murderous rampage. • Music: Amazing music. • Voice Acting: Pretty good, especially due to the fact that you can casually listen to the chats of the city guard as if they were real conversations. • Difficulty: Pretty good, a little hard, but not too hard. • Replayability: Due to the large amount of side quests and paths, this is a very replayable game. Story Summary: In the game Dishonored, you take the role of Corvo Attano, a royal protector of the empress and their daughter, Emily. A plague has infected the streets and everything has been crumbling down ever since. After he came back from his trip to find a cure, he was falsely accused of murder of the empress and the kidnapping of Emily. You must rescue Emily, and put her rightfully on the throne, before the Lord Regent throws the city into chaos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay summary: In the game Dishonored, you have to sneak your way around Dunwall City, avoiding guards and generally being seen. Each area in Dunwall City has multiple ways around it, and you could be as lethal or nonlethal as you want. Each area also has multiple side quests which could change the ending of the game. Also, a nice feature is that if you kill more people more Weepers (Basically Zombies), will fill the city. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal opinion: As one of the first stealth games I played, I enjoyed every second of it, it is no doubt one of my favorite games out there, so I give it a 9.7/10. The only reason that I just didn’t give it a 10 is because the few moments where the A.I is lacking can really annoy you sometimes, like once, I wasn’t sure if I was detected or not, since I could hear guards occasionally shouting “I’ll find you!”, but they didn’t have the bolts indicating that they had seen you. And that's basically my Dishonored review, thanks for reading, and I hope you consider buying Dishonored!
The Void Review ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Intro: I found this game in my local store for only 5€ and the case looked kinda promising (half-naked girl with a colorful explosion). Its probably a game very few know about. So here comes my review now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Aspects • Graphics: This game is from 2008 so the graphics are old especially the textures. Still the dark levels are really atmospheric and the characterdesign of the sisters and brothers is really good. • Controls: You got your typical wasd-fps controls, so no problem there. Only the magic system where you have to paint glyphs can be a bit clunky at first. • A.I: good enough, game doesnt really need that much A.I • Genre: adventure, action, survival • Music: Amazing music. • Voice Acting: I only played the german version but there the voice acting has been exceptionally good • Difficulty: Really hard through the whole game. If you play without tipps, walkthroughs, etc. you propably need to restart a few times before you know how the gamemechanics are working • Replayability: The game has 10 or so (more or less different) endings, so there is some replayability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Summary: Well you are death, Congratulations! Now your soul lingers in the space before it stops to exist and dive into nothingness (the void). The only thing that stops this process is to gather color which now functions as your life-fuel. This whole world you are now in is made out of chambers and each chamber belongs to a princess ( or sister). These sisters are in the same boat as you and are starving for color but unlike you they can't gather color. In the past they were fed by the guardians (or brothers) but they only gave them so much color that they wouldn't vanish into the dark. Too bad that the color isn't replenishing as fast as before your arrival. So this whole space is about to collapse and you have to find a way to get out before it all ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay summary: So you wander trough one chamber after another trying to find color from little color-critters who are flying around or from trees. You have to put this "raw" color into your body where it is refined in usable color. If there is no raw color in your body:BOOM you dun goofed mate. With the refined color you can either give them to a sister or use them in one of the chambers to attack critters or cast spells like getting a protective shieldbubble or summon a little minion. Well and then there are the brothers: They really hate it when color is wasted so at one point in the game they are really pissed at you. Everyone of them looks like the developers were on meth when they made them. Its not a bad design, it's just creepy as fuck. The sisters on the other hand are all naked (WHOOP), there are only a few lightchains on their body but these can be removed if you feed them the color they like (for example emerald or gold). No this is not the sole reason to give them color, you need this also to progress in the game. You have to be carefull which color to use in which situation. Thats one of the hardest points of the game and one of the many reasons for restarting the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal opinion: This game is different than all the others i had at that point. It surely isn't everybodys cup of tea but i like it. This game is really hard and a whole lot of trial and error is involved. If you got the knack of the resourcemanagement it feels like you understand this thing way better, a sort of darksoulish experience when you aren't dieing at every corner. Now that I wrote this review I am in the mood to start this game again
Short Intro: For my example review I shall be reviewing The tomaspremoli game Story Summary: Likes to create big ass threads, has too much spare time in order to create those so called 'big ass' threads. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal opinion: Tl;dr Tl;dr.
There is a Tl;DR, even though you should read the whole thing and not be lazy. TL;DR: Review a game with the template above, no free browser games, no famous or well-known games and no saying things like “omG mIenCraFfFf best game evyur no flas 100/10 XXXDDD” since every game has its flaws. Also, if you own a game that somebody reviewed, reply stating what YOU thought of it, but in a simpler manner.
Gun Monkeys Review Short Intro: I got a key from PCGamer. The title sounded fun, so i played it with one of my good friends. It's a good 2D game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Aspects • Grapichs: They aren't that bad, they're actually kind of funny. • Controls: You got your simple WASD and E to shoot and A for Prone.. When you're going to play with a brother, sister or another family number, the 2nd player controlls are left+up+right • A.I: Well, there's bots that can be difficult to play against. • Genre: It's Indie, action game. • Music: Decent. • Voice Acting: There isn't really any voice acting besides the narrater and the Monkeys. • Difficulty: The game can be difficult, especially when you're playing against skilled players. •Replayabillity: The game doesn't have a story, it's just a shooting game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Summary: There is no campaign or story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay Summary: You're basically playing as a Monkey with a gun. Now, it's not just about shooting, there are these blue cubes you that you have to collected by going prone and return then to your spawn. Everytime you get a point or more, your opponent get - points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal opinion: The game is fun. Nothing more.