Ok, I'm selling all this stuff because "I want myself a bills!" So i went through my backpack finding items I don't use and would be happy to sell I made this: Rust scattergun- 2.33 ref Strange smg- 1 ref Gen. red tape recorder- 3 ref Strange soda popper- 1.33 ref Made man (clean) (dyed gold)- 3 ref Sneaky spats of sneaking (dirty) (dyed gold)- 3 ref Strange bat- 0.66 ref Festive flamethrower- 1 key Der wintermantel (clean)- 3 ref The bearded bombardier (clean)- 1 key Vin. whoopee cap (whitish-pink I'unno what the paint is called.)- 1.75 keys The kringle collection (clean)- 2 keys The snapped pupil (dirty)- 1.33 Ok, when i was looking up the price for that it said that when it was clean it is 1.33 and dirty is 3 ref? dafuq? I'm just gonna sell it for 1.33 Ok, If you want any of these please just add me, Id prefer to get the metal or keys please! And also, if you have a bills and would be happy to trade all that for it then id happily make that trade, If I did trade all that for a bills i would be over paying by 2 keys so yea.
########################CLOSED (I got a bills) ################################### Not really sure how to close these things