How did YOU get into this community?

Discussion in 'General' started by Snake, May 23, 2018.

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  1. .ax

    .ax idk Legacy Management

    Aug 10, 2014
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    I don't even remember how I got here and that kinda scares me.
    run while u still can
    I guess it was through apg's achi server which got shut down for some reason(I actually met saN there). But yeah been here since 2014. yay
  2. Dark Red

    Dark Red MAH BOIS! Banned Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    >Started playing on the master server 'Zombie Escape' in in late 2015
    >Joined the Forums
    >Became Admin
    >Played on other servers such as 'Surf' and 'VSH'
    >Resigned from 'Zombie Escape' right before the server got shut down
    >Stopped playing 'Surf' cause lots of regulars left and also stopped playing cs in general
    >Moved to TF2

    And yeah that's pretty much it, for now. I'm too lazy to write a wall of text but the important part is that I made lots of good Friends and I appreciate every funny and good moments we had and still have.

    Shout-out to ya'll who I'm talking about.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
  3. staneo

    staneo that guy Legacy Admin

    Jun 24, 2017
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    My journey started sometime in 2017 when I got introduced to Zombie Escape servers by a irl friend and went on searching for some ZE servers and eventually found the FoG one, started playing like everyday and became really good friends with a guy called "A wild lenny", he started to become inactive on the servers and i went on to learn who @Dark Red@Dark Red and @BurkHart@BurkHart is, great people was my first impression and i fell in love with the server, became an regular on the ZE server and then @Dark Red@Dark Red told me to introduce myself on the forums and things went on from there.
    Im really happy i found this community since it has really grown on me personally.
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  4. jackboy61

    jackboy61 Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    A friend of mine, Kickerz, Became an admin on jailbreak in 2014 and I started playing. Got into the trade server before migrating to Achievement. Left for a year, Came back, Left for another year and recently came back. Idk, I always end up coming back for some reason.
  5. Skeko

    Skeko G*59 Legacy Admin

    Jun 6, 2017
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    I was scrolling down the community servers back in 2015 and I found I think a FoG's unusual trade server on this pyramids map (I wasn't really trading there). Then I added it to my favourites and went on trade rawr. I met a lot of players there, some remember me, some don't and some are unfortunately not playing anymore on the servers.
    After that, I had an 8 month break from TF2.
    So in December 2016 I started playing on FoG a lot (there were some minor breaks), I don't really remember if rawr was still alive, but I was really enjoying playing on the other servers with a lot of good people all around to that day.
    I wasn't really talking to anyone, because I was really young and I couldn't speak proper english, but I hope everyone I met, didn't see me as a retarded child. :)
  6. Laz

    Laz Legacy Admin

    Nov 21, 2017
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    I got permabanned from the clan which made the achievement_apg map for admin disrespect so I looked for a server with the same map, today I'm still doing the same on ach/idle but I'm not getting banned at least x')
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  7. DavisLF3

    DavisLF3 Not a weeb, just retarded. Legacy Admin

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I got tired of playing in those cancerous French Minecraft servers so I joined this friendly community and fell in love with the admins.
  8. Pudgey

    Pudgey Shinji did nothing wrong Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    I was one of those nasty gibus people who had no idea what they were doing, I met a few people back then and I just enjoyed the server a heck load so I continued playing on it. Nothing really special, you could say I found "home" on that server.

    It really makes me think if those 125 days were worth it smh.
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