Resolved Downie

Discussion in 'Admin Reports (archive)' started by A Smashing Gent, Dec 11, 2012.

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  1. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    well it seems you dont understand me or you dont want to listen to reason.
    the title does not need to be changed
    because your forum account was not changed and the ban only aplied to tf2 servers
    and becasue the tf2 server rules allow this kind of behavior
    even if you dont agree with this,
    you were banned on tf2 servers because an admin saw fit to do so and the tf2 rules allow it.
  2. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    I do understand you. Do you understand me? What's the purpose with that rule? To let admins abuse how much they want, whatever people are doing (or not doing)?
    All I'm saying here is based on my own opinions. You don't have to agree (which I kinda get that you don't) but there is no "wrong" with the stuff I'm expressing.

    With this said, I think <--- personal opinion again - that you have to clearify your rules so this can't happen again. Regarding my ban, it has always only been a principle from my side.
    Nothing else. I'm actually not here to start fights, but I do get pretty pissed when I think people are just stubborn and foolish (and punishing me for irrelevant stuff, and in a "wrong" way).
  3. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    i also dont approve the "ab"use of the rule,
    but in all of your posts until now you say you cant use the rule that way and thats what i tried to explain that he could use it that way
    as i stated before without any other rule to prevent this, this can and will happen once again its up to n0;name what he is going to do about it
  4. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    From my point of view, you can't use the rule that way. That's still my opinion, have always been.
  5. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    and i respect that but i wish more people would view it that way...
    but sadly they dont,b
    biggest example: US goverment.
  6. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Another thing I think is pretty stupid is that (as you've said a lot of times) some admins can ban people without having to give any good reason for it, and then some friend of mine unbans me because there is no reason to ban me.
    How about the admins just leave me alone in the future, if I'm not doing anything serious (like spawnkilling, which I really, really tries to avoid all the time), so we don't need to have these discussions at all?
    Wouldn't that be a very good solution for this problem? I sure think so. Because I'm never going to accept being treated unfair and not being given the chance to respond and take own actions before I get punished.
    I'm going to keep being this pain in the ass as long as I consider it required.

    I still want to hear what Downie has to say about all this, if he has the balls.
  7. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    well thats your right but be carefull,
    you never know what n0;name might do or not
  8. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    To be honest, I would be surprised if I didn't get any type of warning/ban from him for what I've said around here the last couple of days.
    At the same time, I would be surprised if he actually did something. We'll see what's happening.
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