Hi, What about adding some contests for the people here on the forums? It could be anything really, mapmaking, or just in-game screenshots from custom made maps with specific themes, art, logos, designs & amazing photos. Maybe voting monthly for the best admin, member etz etz. Even add small profile badges (16x16) somewhere, for showoff from won contests. Would be great if the forum had something to do, other than waiting for applicants, reports & bugs. I'm sure this would help adding a little activity here. What does people think? I would be more than happy to help arrange these kind of events.
Can we do something like "Biggest retard", "Biggest autist" and "Biggest memer" so my parents can finally be proud of me for being nr 1 at something?
Most active in the shoutbox in one month (got that.) Most posts in one month (got that..(if n0 wouldnt be here..)) Most salt spread on new members (got that) YEA IM DOWN(y) also worst puns. got that
We already had a title event but I don't think it ever finished. -click me- I like the sound of a screenshot contest though!
Fast as f Yeah right? I'm sure this would be something everyone could participate in. At bigger contests, maybe a month vip could be given out, who knows