Hi there dear FoG. Am just wondering if we could open up a clan in clash of clans I think it would be awesome so am just going to see what do you think of this clan should we do it? I think that there is a big amount of people here in FoG play clash of clans so what do you think If we open up a clan.
I'd make an account to do this if it is, i had a townhall 10 at one point before i accidentally deleted the account. So i know what to do.
Unfortunately we can't type the name of the clan Fortress of gamers since there isn't enough space but I just checked and the available name is F-o-G.
I made the clan now we just need you guys over! The name of the clan Is F-o-G location : international
Clan description Type : Anyone can join Required trophies : 0 War frequency : Rarely Clan location : international Clan tag : #L99J8GJG
Yeah I would be interested. But let me know if you get enough people to do a clan war with first. I only say this because I have been with my current clan for about a year. So if I jump ship it has to be for good reason. I am a month away from maxed lvl 8. (Well except for the walls!)