Implemented Changes to the community

Discussion in 'Suggestions (archive)' started by Tri., Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. chickpoint

    chickpoint Awesome Member Legacy Management Moderator

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I can do nothing more than agree with that. It isn't like that you call a random person a faggit just because you dont like them. You don't do it in real life so why do it here? I think this is just basic norms and values we need to get back to.

    Regarding to the comments about events. Maybe it is a thing to host events where people have to sign up for on the forums to get some more people on the forums. If that doesn't work we always can change it.
  2. Tri.

    Tri. Legacy Management

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Why do I even create threads


    There is so much to tell, but yea.. I won't even get an answer on my own threads, haha.

    Yes, Downy should finally become a Co-Admin (but I know already the answer)

    I talk alot with Downie, I've mentioned similar /same stuff and I am pretty sure some stuff here is crossing with the stuff I mentioned in the time to let the community series 2 thread

    No, we shouldn't do that rating system, it just won't work out, believe me.

    In exchange: Make a Community backroom.

    My Thread was made for such suggestions, Chicki, I dont really know why you've made another thread
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  3. Wandolf

    Wandolf Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The reason members aren't around here is because there's nothing to keep them around here, other then making admin apps, ban appeals and just being a part of meaningless little threads like "Rate the music above you" or "Quote of the year". Yeah, you can get a laugh out of them, but it's nothing that's gonna keep you around here for a longer while
    And when someone like Pointlessness makes little threads, they immediately get called out for making "post farms" and their threads are shut down or left to die. The same thing goes for "necroposting", just because someone found a thread that they like and they want to revive doesn't mean they should be hated or warned, it's a GOOD thing that they're trying to revive old threads.

    And removing The Great Below would only make things worse due to the fact that some people like exchanging memes, and talking about dumb things, just leave it alone, it's not harming anyone.

    As far as suggestions go, here's one : remove the "We need more admins" messages on the servers that are maxed out already, it'll reduce useless admin apps.
    The best things that can get more people here are events and my suggestion would be to allow members too choose what the next event would be. Something like a weekly poll with a couple of suggestions.

    And as soon as more people get here, more and more will appear and then threads like "our own competitive team" will actually work out.

    Starting is the most difficult thing, but when more people that are willing to stay show up the community may just run itself.
  4. Celeritate

    Celeritate insufficient Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Well, time for Celelele to waddle in.

    I personally think it's a great idea. + It's pretty damn low to see an admin choose favorite people, and stick other people up where the sun doesn't shine.
    But seriously, as Wandolf says: "And when someone like Pointlessness makes little threads, they immediately get called out for making "post farms" and their threads are shut down or left to die."
    Even though this might be fun to some people, what the fuck do you even want from them? Everyone is a member, admin or not, owner or not, everyone is a member at some point. Just because you are an administrator doesn't mean you can be even cruel to certain people/pick out your favorites.
    I think the place as an admin is made for mature people who know what's wrong and right. And NOT placing people in who's good, acceptable and shitposters. It always is a bad idea, creating cliques in a community like this one. Or just at all!

    I know this isn't easy, but it's always a start.
    As a owner myself of a community, I actually temporary removed the admin powers on some people, who didn't keep their mouth shut/were immature in the most serious cases, started useless discussions, and so on. And I even demoted them fully in severe cases/banned them. I think this would come in handy, since it doesn't make any sense to tell them over and over again, what not to do and so on, if it doesn't create consequences. Cause in the end it only gets worse, if not taken in anyone's hands; to handle them.

    So if it's really not too much to ask for, I'd politely lay all the cards on the table, and be honest with you:
    Why the fuck would we even give powers to people who start discussions about useless stuff? We even have to admit that it puts Fortress of Gamers in a bad spotlight, and is preventing for newcomers to even fall back and think: "oh this is a great community, with no drama at all! It's so nice and comfy here."
    So of course admins are allowed to have fun and all, but have to remember to keep their cool, if you know what I'm on about.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  5. Doktor kengineer

    Doktor kengineer Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I really gotta agree with this, the problem with the forums is outside of gimmick threads like the mentioned "Rate the music above you" there's little actual incentive to post due to most threads being Admin Apps, ban appeals, trade threads or those "Rate the X" threads. If there was more actual discussions going on which are more casual than the average forum game (not saying we should remove them of course) then there'd perhaps be more people posting and so on.

    While it's pretty much internet etiquette to bitch about people necroposting, considering the circumstances if it actually gets a thread going again then there's probably little harm in it. It gets people to post more which is good, a community only exists if there's a community of course. Although while I don't really know much about the whole "post farming" debacle (Or really care about it to be honest) aslong as the threads aren't meaningless then they should stay and be regarded as such, regardless of the posters intentions.

    More community events and such (as mentioned in the chat yesterday) could help entice more people to visit the forums and maybe become regulars, but that's uncertain.
  6. Holoflash

    Holoflash Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I think I'm still relevant enough to give my 2 cents on this matter.

    I totally agree we need some sort of Forum Moderator. Preferably someone who knows the majority of the admins / community. The forums need to be clean and people need to be disciplined.

    One thing I also want to suggest, is some sort of Admin Coach. Someone who can guide the new Junior Admins. and keep an eye on the chatlogs of the regular admins. It's not someone who deals out punishments, but simply someone who says to an admin like "Hey, it seems you've had a bad day. I know it can be hard but don't vent it on innocent players". Something like that. Of course, this needs some modifications but I think it's a good start at keeping things clean.

    I personally think if this gets implemented, shitstorms will be rarely seen.
  7. Tri.

    Tri. Legacy Management

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Idc if that is a bump or not.

    I am sure, some Higher Tiers can also respond to that.

    Also, I have edited my first post here, to list all suggestions (I am sure, I forgot something - have to read the threads again anyway.)

    Just post here
    And I will edit the OP again and again

    I won't let this thread nor die.

    Note: Both community threads are merged together now.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  8. chickpoint

    chickpoint Awesome Member Legacy Management Moderator

    Aug 26, 2012
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    Thats why our threads are merged from now on. Keep continuing below. I must say it is great to see the conversation we have here :D
  9. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    So this is all getting ignored?
  10. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Double post.
    Was discussing this with someone, he/she said the following.

    And for the chance, that noname will ignore it again - I cant guarantee that I will stay as admin in this community.

    let's hope we can open some eyes for once now.
  11. Pointy

    Pointy Banned

    Mar 30, 2014
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  12. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    No need to tag people. It mostly just annoys people l, since they will read it anyways. Also, this decision is all on noname. Downy won't have any influence on this.
  13. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Sorry for the late reply, but I either didn't have time to check these points (school till 6PM isn't that much fun) or simply forget about it.

    Anyways, to the points:
    - Making Downy Co-Admin: he actually is "co-admin", as he can moderate the forums, handle admin apps, handle admins in general, bans and such.
    The only permissions he doesn't have are forum admin (edit configs and such, you can break the entire forum with that) and server root admin (when administered badly, this may cause a lot of trouble (server being hacked, used for DDoSing other servers, etc.), all for which I could be jailed.

    - Forum moderation: there actually is no urgent need for more forum moderators until the forum becomes more active. I already added some section-wise moderators (e.g. Ninja Otter for trading, Downie/Watson for Bans).
    We will, however, try to moderate more efficiently, e.g. only deleting the bad posts instead of shutting down the entire thread (except it's advertising or was made for the sole purpose of attracting bad posts).

    - Behaviour rating system: afaik there is no plugin for that and I don't have time to write one either.

    - Changing the mindset of the admins - not much I can do about, other than kicking out abusing admins and such stuff. Everyone has to do that for him/herself (there are several good examples of how an admin should behave).

    - An admin coach: part of the new admin system, Downy will make a post later today.

    - A bit more advertising for the forum: again, every admin should try encouraging people to join the forums (mostly regulars).

    - More forum sections: I have added most of the proposed sub forums, in General (Philosophy, debate & Politics/School, study & work), renamed Multimedia to Art and entertainment and added the subsections Art and graphics/Music, movie and TV/Literature/Anime & manga.
    The only thing left to do is actually using them and posting threads.

    - For the future Forum-Moderation, a warning-system: actually, already in place - we hand out infractions and after you reached a certain amount of them (depending on what for, severity, etc.) a ban will be issued.

    - Enable the admin-app section only if you got a number of posts: I will look into this later.

    - Events: nothing to add (being worked on already)

    - Maybe different rules against admin-abusers: we have changed this to immediately remove the permissions of abuser for 2 weeks (therefore, it counts for 2 warnings). In case you fuck up again, your permissions are gone completly (and depending on severity, a permanent ban will be issued).
    Warnings for inactivity remain unchanged.

    - Less aggressive auto-balance: I already tried solving that a while ago, but it seems like the plugin is just a buggy mess.

    - Some moral, give people the chance to reach the admins/higher tiers/future forum moderation: not sure what's meant with that, please elaborate it further.

    - Community Backroom: please elaborate.

    - Removal of the "We need more Admins"-Message on the servers: I have removed that and some other useless messages from the ad rotation (reduced the ads by 50%). Additionally, ads are now shown each 5 minutes instead of each minute like it was before.

    - Removal of the "Type !votescramble to start a voting for scrambling the teams"-message: I have disabled that.

    The changes made on the servers should take effect upon the next mapchange (at the very latest, next night at 5AM).
  14. DaJeroen

    DaJeroen Member

    Jul 25, 2014
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    Sounds good, I'll make a bind to use ingame soon! To encourage people to have a look at the forums and/or register.
  15. Ixel

    Ixel Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Nice changes, it should satisfy a majority here hopefully.
  16. Wandolf

    Wandolf Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    Yo, @TriforceSmaSheR@TriforceSmaSheR, can you explain your "Backroom" idea a little bit more? I think we need a bit more info on it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  17. Tri.

    Tri. Legacy Management

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Oh yea, the Backroom stuff, we already have something similar, just for events only.

    It's just a section, only certain people can see/post into it, so basicly the "Event-Backroom" which is talking about the upcoming events and some other stuff.

    The Backroom I suggested here is more like a "Community-Backroom", again some certain people are able to see/post into this, talking about uh, general stuff. How the community looks like, again ideas, talking to people who are visiting our servers/forum, may talk about the criticism we get (that can refer on the forum, our behavior, admins or any other stuff.), may plan some changes (surely with the seal of nonames approval)

    Just giving an ear to our regulars and speak about it.

    By backroom, I dont mean "only admins can see this shit" regulars, donors, almost everyone who talks a lot with the people of our community/want to support us could be a part of that


    give people the chance to reach the admins/higher tiers/future forum moderation

    @chickpoint@chickpoint werent you suggesting this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  18. Wandolf

    Wandolf Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    So, basically only newcomers can't be a part of it, right?
    That's not really something I'd agree with, it may come off as insulting or as if we have a lack of trust to the new members that come on to the forums.
    I think there's no need for it.
  19. Tri.

    Tri. Legacy Management

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Newcomers don't know the community so good as some who is been here for a while and talks with the people like, everyday

    we reach people - people reach us

    Also it was just an idea, knowing that some communities have that as well :)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
  20. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Adding such a backroom would require 1.) time to setup (extra groups, permissions, etc.) 2.) administration later on (who gets access to it).
    We could make that automatic, but what would prevent someone from simply posting, let's say, 10 useless posts and nobody knows that person?
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