I challenge you to show me what you got when it comes to using photoshop, gimp or any other things you like. Make something funny, serious or even terrible if you want. I don't care. Here's my face and a greenscreen. Post the image when you are done pls, I wanna laugh or cry; depends on what the image turnes out to be xD.
Louis Millstrong Casamiller Miller next door Miller the hacker And of course, like everyone expected: (NSFW) Miller the penis smelling boy Spoiler
I am just going to thank you guys real quick, cause this is hilarious. The ones I liked the most where from oku, yoda and spindel. oku, it just looks funny man, not much I can say but lmfao. yoda, the Millstrong is really nice, especially since I like Jazz spindel, the quadra chins are awesome xD, gives me reason to continue getting fatter hahahaha