Heya folks, idk where to post this, but if you're bored and slightly interested in speedrunning, there is actually AGDQ running. AGDQ is a speedrun marathon which is online 24/7 for 1 week. Uh, the time-waste is real I know but behind the scenes it is about collecting donations during the marathon to the prevent cancer foundation Prevent Cancer Foundation - Stop Cancer Before It Starts! You can win prizes by donating, etc. stream: Twitch schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule As you can see, they stream really all kind of games, maybe there is something for you :3
Update: Atm the castlevania block is running PLUS the French restream reached +15K viewer, so they will donate 5K dollars.
Update2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkE15obIHkY atm they collected 610,446.70$ Zelda block is actually running, Majoras Mask is coming soon