Hey guys. So I just went on a trade server and realized my alt + tab doesn't work. This makes trading very difficult. Basically, nothing happens when I alt + tab. At all. I tried snooping around a bit for answers but couldn't find any. Has this happened to any of you? Do you have any tips on fixing it? I run TF2 in windowed mode it it's got any significance. Thanks in advance.
when i use alt+tab the game stucks, i use usualy this combination : alt+tab then strg+alt+del then go to the task manager then u can use you desktop and switch back to tf
I've had this problem too, I play in windowed mode, I just minimize the game and it's perfectly fine.
Thanks for the help guys. It works now, I guess after restarting steam (and the computer) something magical happened. The main issue was that I actually couldn't access the trade through the desktop since it was in TF2 itself. Thanks again, and requesting closure.