Invalid Admin Report - Bambi36

Discussion in 'Admin Reports (archive)' started by Edgy Semicolon, Aug 5, 2018.

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  1. Edgy Semicolon

    Edgy Semicolon Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    05-08-2018 10:00-10:15

    TF2 - Jailbreak NY | US1-19

    Bambi's sudden perm ban shows his bias when it come to bans.

    It's impossible to have evidence for something that has happened over the last year(roughly).If the ban reason of "We gave him several warnings to stop being toxic and he didn't listen" is as fragile as my case then, you would have to ban about 75% of people who go on the server.The loophole is that I was "Warned several times" what about everyone else then?He or any other admin I've seen have ever warned any one else for toxicity, even when we're on the server with someone being much more "toxic" than I. It's blear to me that Spencer knows the rules, but hounds me with more harsh rules and warnings, even if it's honesty such as: me using caps lock to make me calling out a freekill more visible or saying that people should get of blu because of their lack of mic. Things such as that are a fact.However he gives me toxicity warnings for them,even when there are people sitting there calling others faggots/other such things I'd rather not say.He may not like me, but that doesn't let him have free rein over the rules to bend them into a pretzel and then only apply his rules only onto me.Sorry for the long report, but the main message is this: Spencer is valuing his emotions of me over the server's facts.
  2. Namaco

    Namaco Member

    Jun 9, 2013
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  3. Münsterkatt サム

    Münsterkatt サム Member

    May 12, 2014
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    It's clear that with each appeal, admin report, et cetera, that you still show no remorse or regret for your actions. Instead, you hide behind weak phrases like "facts > feelings" (which when I called you out as toxic, you said you had a "new bind for you, then printed "facts > feelings.")
    You are clearly the type of person that does not care about the wellbeing of others and instead chalk your awful behaviour to blaming others, or "its not rude if its true" or "I was just joking" type defenses.

    This admin report is invalid because your ban is justified (and was created because of a report on you [ ]) and you can bring little evidence to your claim. You have been warned multiple times for disrespect and breaking many server rules at once. You're lucky your first appeal was accepted since you didn't seem apologetic about your behaviour at all. Banning is up to the admin's discretion, and if someone is toxic they can ban for a time within the guidelines they feel is justified - these many unnamed "toxic" players you mention, if they hhave gotten punished, learned their lesson and decided to cool it.
    You are toxic on a daily basis and are only creating this report because you still exhibit that behaviour. You got punished hard because as the saying goes, "Break one law at a time." You broke many rules and those punishments stacked up.

    I'm not posting anymore on this thread because it's not worth arguing with someone who is only arguing for the sake of validation and to incite.
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  4. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Invalid, no evidence.
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