The Scunt problem

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by The Frenchman, Jul 25, 2013.

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  1. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Banned

    Jul 22, 2013
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    The scunt problem
    Because it seriously looks like some of the people here need a fresh reminder


    I'm The Frenchman, please call me The. As you might suspect, I come from the Hexagon, so if any sentence look strange or you don't understand it, just say so to me and I'll try to fix it. So. I made this topic because, after a match against a scunt who reveled himself to be Partyneer, it suddenly striked me that there's a great deal of ignorance goign on here (why do you look at me like that, I'm french, my ego is big, sorry it's genetic).

    1. What is a scunt ?
    Little precision to begin with : a scout is, by no mean, a scunt. Scouts are a class vital to any game they're in, but then again so are the eight others. A scunt is a certain way to play a scout. Remember that. Here I will abord the problem of the growing numbers of scunts in the FF2 server, maybe there's somle other gamemode unknown to me that suffer the same problem, but frankly speaking it ain't my problem.

    Basically, in VSH you, more often than not, reach a point when there's only two, or three players in the map, one of those being the Hale. Sometimes the Hale's life is low, so the RED survivors try to deal a frontal assault, sometimes it's still high (I'm talking about more than 5000 hp here, which is a minimum). A scunt is basically a scout who, faced with a hale that you can PRESUME to be competent (since he wiped out most of the other team), simply refuse to give up, instead drawing the fight on and on. Indeed the scout have in possession his speed, which is similar to the Hale, and easy jumps, generally three because of his preferred use of the Force-a-Nature, which is also useful to deal some damages and push back the Hale.

    A scout running away is a thing, and if the Hale's is manageable in a correct laps of time, then go get'im. Scunts, and this is the core of the problem, conveniently lack basics knowledges of strategies and Hale's rages, instead relying on their speed and FaN to escape the Hale again. And again. And again. And AGAIN. Until fatally, the rage come down (it wouldn't be a scunt if the Hale isn't in position to build up at least one rage). Then the scunt die, and all the players (including, ironically, the other would-be scunts that got unluckies) sigh in relief. And the game start again, and the same manege go again.

    2. Why are scunts a problem ?
    I'm gonna go Captain Obviosu, but in Arena Mode, you can't respawn. Strangely enough, it generally means that you tends to want a new game to start relatively fast, so you get to play more. That's normal. Scunts are a big problems, because of their nature (as stated above, again, all scouts aren't scunts) that drag the game on without chance of winning for your side.

    Maybe I'm going all white knight here, but for me, a player that insurge himself the right to keep playing at the detriment of the others is worth less than nothing, because in Team Fortress 2, there's "Team" *Dramatic drums*. Sure, it is part of the game, but I will bring to your attention that some items that are "part of the game" aren't allowed in tournaments. Yeah yeah I know, the server here aren't made for tournaments, but the general thing is here. To me, such an egoist (because I can only think of it of egoist, a player refusing to give up doesn't play less than the next folk, because a new game start almost immediatly) is far more disrespectful to all the players that I can ever hope to be with my tantrums.

    Sure, some scunts (Partyneer, looking at you) might say that victory is all that matters. That is childish, playing is all that matters. It is extremely rare (much to my shame) to win as a RED in a VSH game, and it's even rarer for a scunt to win in such conditions. Furthermore, if victory there is, it will not hold any value to the players, because quite honestly, nobody love seeing you hoping around for five minutes (if I wanted to do that, I'll go to the frog pond near my house, I'm hungry anyway).

    3. What can we do against it anyway ?
    Quite a thing. First it will be nice if all the admins started being examples to others (hi Partyneer), and maybe take active part on the late game if such case happens during their time (I do remember Spartan killing one of two scunts, that's a nice attitude).

    After that, I'm not the person to consult because I don't have the slighest idea about how you modify a server's options, so I'm just gonna make assumptions here. Maybe install a filter about the number of scouts playing (much like there can only be 3 engis), or the number of scouts playing with the FaN, for all that matters. Maybe reduce the countdown of the end of the round from two minutes to one, and make the last RED player switch to melee for a last dance with the Hale, be it successful or not (as long as it's fun as hell, plus VsH are a good mode to work your melee skills).

    There's simple measures who, I believe, would put a smile on children face and fill the world with rainbow tagged in pink by unicorns or something.

    That's my opinion on the subject, I felt like posting it after an -heated- discussion with Partyneer when it suddenly occured to me that I will be a thousand time more useful posting my opinion in a rational and down-to-earth way rather than arguing while the Hale's after my eyeskin.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    This doesn't change the fact that you have to behave as an admin.
    You just can't ban people who play scout and do that tactic.
    Yes, It is annoying, I agree with you, But that just doesn't change the fact that you may just start swearing and insulting them just because they play a game their way.
  3. Partyneer

    Partyneer Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    What Downie said, they are annoying (which is precisely why I enjoy playing them), however that changes nothing.
    They're in the game, they're not restricted, we have no rules against these "scunts".
    Throwing insults or disrespect at anyone playing a class you dislike is childish and to some degree very pathetic.
    I remember plenty of my childhood arguments being caused by hating the other doing something against your will, but that's in the past for me now. Should be for you as well.
    The game won't change over the will of a few people, so holding onto this grudge is a pointless waste of everyone's time.
    You can think about them and dislike them all you want, but don't start throwing it around.

    PS: Your proposal for "solving" the issue is to essentially force people to not play the class they want, and force admins to encourage such restrictions?
    Sounds like something that would cause anarchy and riots in real life, let alone the internet.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  4. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Banned

    Jul 22, 2013
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    This isn't the topic of this thread Downie, go to the other one. It's easy to see, there's my name on it.

    Partyneer, same remarks as Downie, but it's pretty obvious for me that you haven't even bothered to read what I had to say, because you just ignored my sentence about the scouts in general. Along with pretty much all the second part and a good chunk of the third part. You are depressing. Go read again, quote me if you need some precision, but for the love of God don't answer again before having read the points you want to discuss, this is really rude to the people who bothered putting this in form.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  5. Partyneer

    Partyneer Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    Oh, I read it, and to say the least I am relatively disgusted by it. You talk as if this is important, or "scunts" are wrong, and should be heavily restricted. (Say what you will, but your simple tone says this many times)
    And to correct you, I never said that "Victory is all that matters", maybe it is you who needs to rethink what you read?
    It's far better for someone, no matter what player, no matter what class to win (or at least attempt to do so), rather than just giving up since everyone else has died. You talk about how there is "Team" in Team Fortress 2, but you seem to forget a simple fact:
    It's not a Shakespearean play, despite being a "Team effort" it is still a game based purely on who wins, and who loses. A single player (no matter what class, player or behaviour) winning is a boon to the entire team, and their attempts to do so show they want to contribute.
    If you simply start committing suicide because all your team members have fallen is an instant defeat not only to the player, but his entire team. The game is meant to be played and had fun with, annoyances are acceptable but as I said, trying to throw fire onto them and restrict their ability to play how they love is pathetic. What you essentially want to do it seems, is restrict the usage of a class many players want to play, and use it to contribute to their team. Despite what you seem to think, even a lonesome scout trying to win is for the entire team. People should be allowed to play as they see fit, not as they're told.

    This is like trying to restrict people from singing, since there's too many singers already in the world, or that their singing annoys others. It is childish, and your words cannot hide that fact.
    As for me, I am aware of the fact I played said "Scunt", because I enjoy playing it from time to time. And I have no intention of giving up my rights to play as what I want if some newcomer tries to oppose me.
  6. Holoflash

    Holoflash Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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  7. Doktor kengineer

    Doktor kengineer Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Being someone who mains Scout, It's kind of stupid being insinuated against over the Scout running away from hale, what am I suppost to do, Run into him?

    You can't blame scouts for playing the way they're designed to be played, Hit and Run, not Hit and keep hitting, if you were going for that play style you'd be Heavy or Soldier. It's like complaining how Engineers are camping or how Medic is healing rather than shooting. You shouldn't argue to restrict the way someone plays because of the fact it's pretty much; "Stop playing how I don't want you to play"

    Also don't generalize scouts because once one of them was a gibus wearer who got lucky with the Class cap by ruining the potential of all scouts in general. The scout is a good distraction for Hale, as he can irritate him so Hale focuses on him while his team ram bullets into him. As Partyneer said, They're part of the team for a reason, just because one kid doesn't understand how use him doesn't mean nobody should get use him.

    Speaking of which, I dislike Shibby (The youtuber) for one reason, He blocks spies from his server by hindering them completely and once he banned a Spy for backstabbing him.
    Did the spy deserve it? No.

    Do all scouts, including me who know how to play the scout deserve having our Favorite class become worthless? The answer is surprisingly No.

    It's okay to have opinions, just don't force them on others.
  8. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    There is a filter 2 max scunt is there not? Or has it been removed> I don't know and I only slayed the ones time wasting and hiding if it was 1v1 as they were not doing anything.
  9. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    This reminds me of a time a scout tried to solo hale with 20k hp -_-
    took a damn hour...
    he got him down to 10k and hale got him.
    Glad we have time limits now!
  10. Partyneer

    Partyneer Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    The fact we already have a limit, as stated above, makes it even more ridiculous for "The Frenchman" to whine about it.
  11. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    As kengineer pointed out this is also kind of my view aswell, I play scout a lot but I play it differently I do not like the scouts that just bonk up and run around the map do 100 damage every 5 minutes wasting everyone's time but I like the scouts that do heavy damage and go melee a little and work well like kengineer here :) I don't think we need any action taken as its just most scouts but not all scouts
  12. Partyneer

    Partyneer Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    Precisely, Hit and Run, which is exactly how I play it as well.
  13. The Frenchman

    The Frenchman Banned

    Jul 22, 2013
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    If I recall correctly, your exacts words were akin to what you say here :

    We have both two very differents visions of the game here. As I said in my first post, I think playing is more important than winning, you think otherwise. Sure winning is nice, but preventing other people to play for an extended period of time, is, as I said before, egoist. No, this isn't showing your dedication to your team, and no, your team isn't cheering for you in the death realm (why would they ? Because they want to win a fight they have already lose ?). As I said, Scunts aren't scouts that keep fighting when there's still hope (maybe if you have read the post like you said, you would've understand...), they're scouts that keep running when there's no hope.
    But again, different vision of the game, victory over fun blah blah blah.

    The rest of your "examples" are either misconceptions of what "scunts" means (because, for the last time, and it goes for you too, kengineer and Spartan : SCOUTS. AREN'T. NECESSERALY. SCUNTS., stop with that shit). Or out-of-context situation that you throw in.
  14. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Closing this Thread to prevent further drama, also, scouts are already limited to 2 per Team.
    To Frenchman: The chances of your app being accepted decrease by every such post you make .. it's currently at 0.5%
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