Accused Name/steamid: STEAM_0:1:49246775 Time: 03.03.2017 21:10 Server: 24/7 Orange x3 :: - Instant Respawn :: EU2 Description: Micspam....
Accused Name/steamid: STEAM_0:0:38630931 Time: 02.03.2017 15:46 Server: 2Fort :: - Instant Respawn :: EU1 Description: Pornspray, sprayed...
I don't even know if you remember the last thread I made n0, it was a while ago, but it was about disappearing record replay bots on the FOG bhop...
So I dont really want to report Tio because he is a bad Moderator, but Im really sure that he made the wrong decision regarding my ban Appeal, I...
There are 2 Victims but I dont know them, I just know what he scammed Scammer: |steamID: #3 |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:115376546...
Scam Report of Impersonation of a RIPSkins Bot. Steam Link :...
Accused profile: 76561198251829094 | steamname: inZane ✞ | steam3ID: [U:1:291563366] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:145781683 | steamID64:...
Scammer: | steamname: MrPezar | steam3ID: [U:1:223121825] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:111560912 | steamID64:...
The guy who traded with a marked scammer : | steamname: Zombie Jesus | steam3ID: [U:1:79465296] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:39732648 | steamID64:...
Victim: | steamname: Jack Noh'Lander- U.F.NOH. | steam3ID: [U:1:40464450] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20232225 | steamID64:...
Lets take look at the story; Today i played in servers like yesterday and today a guy named Wolf started to disrespect everyone with me....
I haven't posted a meaningful announcement in a long time, so it's time for one. Now that school ended, I actually got time to do stuff again....
Hello there! Thank you for stopping by to look at this guide! I hope you can help prevent yourself and others from getting scammed by using the...
when i click on the reports tab and then click sign in through and select my steam acount it says "Could not find Account!" how do i fix this,...
Hey , first of all , i hope im doing this right with exact forum and title. Here's the case: I've been long years in steam community and never...
I feel like Tom is going a bit far with the whole ban Swuft thing, I have done nothing to Tom to deserve him constantly monitoring me and looking...
So i was playing some jailbreak today as usual and decided to go as blue because there was only 1 blue and every round was just a cycle of rebel...
Now if you look around the Admin report section, What name comes up most of all? Spartan. "Spartan Abusing" "Spartan Banning Without Reason" etc....
Date/Time: 2/7/14 - 6-8am GMT Demo: Description: I was playing on Trade/Idle, when this hacker connected. I...
Admin Name: [FoG]Admio Date/Time: 28/4/14 Afternoon (sorry can't provide a specific time) Server: Jailbreak Description: He toggled drugs, and set...
Separate names with a comma.