[IMG] Hey, just wanted to share one of my latest projects with you guys. A staged tier 2-3 map, 7-8 stages, with option to jump into the next...
Hey, i released a new update for surf_colors. Download here: http://gamebanana.com/maps/195870 Now it's called surf_colors_final. I also fixed...
Hey, Heres my release for surf_kitsune, called surf_kitsune_nb. It can be downloaded here: http://gamebanana.com/maps/195886 Fixes/changes:...
Heyo, Heres a fix for surf_colors_beta1, called surf_colors_final_d made by me. [MEDIA] Fixes: TP's now turn you the correct way. Stage 7-8-9...
Heyo, Last night i was up, working on a little project. This is surf_rooftops - http://files.f-o-g.eu/4eg3c5fa7a8db7bf5acd2a3dbfed9gd9 It's a...
Hello there guys, back for another map project :) [img] Still working on the ze_jurassicpark_evolved map, which a lot of you greatly appreciated...
Hello guys! Here's my latest surf map project, Surf_Zero. Let's start off with some pictures! Choose the link to view the image in a...
Hi, What about adding some contests for the people here on the forums? It could be anything really, mapmaking, or just in-game screenshots...
Hello, Heres a little something soon to be released. It's the amazing bhop_calmnature. [img] [spoiler] Inspired by the aztec maps, this map is...
Hi, http://csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/189712 I already knew this, but more and more people are reporting in that people are using the UFO's in...
Steamrep block | steamname: Koga73 | steam3ID: [U:1:78641044] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:39320522 | steamID64:...
Hi there! Heres a little something that i've been working on. I present to you, Surf_Skyborn. [img] Unfortunately, the whole surf_fog project...
Hi, I feel like I've seen this problem already on the forums, but i didn't find it anywhere- Anyways, some players have reported in to me that...
Hi, as the server is getting more and more popular, I think it's a good thing, to add new stuff to make the server more interresting. So I'm...
I here present to you, ze_mirrors_edge_v2_go_pf_final! From the good ol' CS:S, converted to CS:GO (Should work): Zippyshare.com -...
[IMG] https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=870222 I would like to recommend a great plugin, called 'Too Late To Ban', which I myself,...
[IMG] I here, present to you, surf_fog! A project for the community. Hey people, as of lately, I've been working on a surf map, where i will try...
Hey there, Could we maybe have a mapmaking section under csgo? I have many projects i would like to share with the community, especially...
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