Hello mr. alt
Yes that is my warning, that you ignored.
On the 22nd of january you were on trade\idle #3, a server i dont even have permissions on
You got banned for racism, and in my opinion you shouldnt be unbanned just by how many times you have said the n word: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Wingy got removed for abusing, and almost every time I was on Trade #3 Wingy wasnt really helping at all.I myself saw him abusing too.Plus you...
Yes.I should have warned you clearer and better, also yes you should put more effort in your ban appeal.
I had a hacker today on trade #1 and the server didnt detect him till i banned him.I think the server only detects it when he says something about...
He has banned you 2 times** and yes i do
So if you get banned chickpoint is immediately the worst admin ever.Ok
This is your steamrep | steamname: vizie | steam3ID: [U:1:229163937] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:114581968 | steamID64:...
This is your steamrep: | steamname: Bambi | steam3ID: [U:1:145646306] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:72823153 | steamID64:...
M e r r y C h r i s t m a s why did i type it like that
Talked to him and the accused should be: Merry Max-Mas!
I don't know why but i really look like Doctor Who
Accused Troll STEAM_0:1:221418003 Date/time 07.08.2017 09:23 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #1 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | EU1-1 Description uses...
- http://gamebanana.com/maps/186387 i personally prefer this one
sorry but i am vip sorry for wasting your time
Hello i just donated to a bot 2 keys for VIP but i didnt get it can you please help me
Hello.You need to upgrade this map its the same one for years.It needs to change (ik this comment is sh*t but deal with it)...
Separate names with a comma.