Just for your information, the 3 ban rule doesn't exist anymore. Also Mundy isn't admin anymore, I suggest either @Downie or @Downy will take a...
Refuse from posting if you have nothing to add
I think that the mentor also has an influence on that.
I did not ban you for aimbotting, in case of that I would've picked "aimbot" (or similar) as a reason. As far I remember you were, via the mic,...
Aww, I love you for watching that Damien, remember AGDQ?:'D I'll tune in /donate for sure.
Huntsman: Hero's Bow #zelda
Or he is doing a report here. VA's aren't available 24/7, so our trade admins. Anyway, I banned the accused for 1 week @Downy
I would like to claim the number 3 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026926990/
You were begging for items on the trade-server even after I warned you.
the triforce in the middle of the map and a spycrab-room /multiple spycrab rooms? a spawn where enemys cant just walk in there like on the...
3/10, I just dont like the screaming x: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IliAdCyE1jY
I've banned Marcusan1387, the sprayer of the spray on the right, for 1 week. I don't see the left spray crossing the line, so he stays untouched....
Banned for 1 week, thank you for your report @Downy
I think we had such a suggestion a good while ago, and it got declined. try to spam requests idk
afaik you can do it with /hatremove
Since I am the one testing arround with stealth mode, and n0name doesn't seem to be online and I'll prbly forget about it telling it to him:...
7/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaTqrdZ_cgQ
3 .. and 3
-1 on app and this:
Separate names with a comma.