how do i look at the ticket?
i was told by http://steamcommunity.com/id/HanakoRika
why do you need it, i was told i return the knife it its owner i will be cleared
[ATTACH][ATTACH] these these ok sir?
i was told if i return the knife the knife to its owner i would be unbanned from outpost, it this not true
i have made a ticket
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] that better
i am not cropping i am using a program that is in chrome
[ATTACH] that it?
[ATTACH] here it is
[ATTACH] there
and i have returned the knife because i did take the money back
my PC got a virus on it taking my card info, steam and PayPal and then my computer if this wasn't a huge deal i would of just left the charge alone
[ATTACH] the $82 is the one we are discussing my card notified me of these charges and i froze the account
there was a bunch of unauthorized charges on my card and i disputed them all that was one of them, but the knife has ben retuned
Ban AppealSteamRep Block https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198111308503 Type of appeal SteamRep tag removal/downgrade What was your in-game...
still will not accept it [ATTACH] attached a screen cap if it too
the ban appeal site will not take my steam id as a valid one, my id is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111308503 what can i do?
Separate names with a comma.