and achievement/idle ._.
I had been killing Pudge with only my melee and secondary for a good while: 21:14 - Pudge Is Fat: if i saw you irl 21:14 - Pudge Is Fat: id kick...
This doesn't make much of a difference anyway but I guess I'm supposed to say good luck. good luck [spoiler]
farewell, senpai ;-;
Updated the Monoculus and Merasmus battles on Eyeaduct and Ghost Fort to call a temporary truce between the teams while fighting the boss...
I'm not quite sure what Ethe was like in the past, I only know him as the person he's now. I've got to know him through a couple of the server...
you should try to miss the player even if (s)he's in the middle of the road anyway
Meat : .ax when your on. I don't think we are going to repopulate the server, ur 2 good and rekt all new players [spoiler]
Awww.. ;-; Well, good luck with your future and farewell.
Maybe not Tri's, but RIP me ._.
Skill Gotten Gains. The name says it all.
I'm only talking about this one specific map/server. The hook works perfectly fine on Trade, but as already stated, it's way too unfair to the...
Maybe, maybe not, but we could try it anyway.
You clearly haven't played enough on Achi :')
Soo.. as Darkregen said, the population of Achi has gone down...a lot. I began to think about the reasons why this has happened and came to...
soyeathere'sthe!donatemenuthignywhereyoucanreadaboutthebenefitsnstuffbutthere'snothingaboutthehookssoplzaddkthxbai TL;DR Add hooks to the...
Banned him for 3 days. Thanks for the report. Aand I'd prefer screenshots :) @Downy
This isn't really a valid argument since you can farm points at the idlers on Achi which gives you an unfair advantage too. For example the...
Take care! :)
Separate names with a comma.