well it means he viewed the thread and didnt care kinda
Alt: | steamname: motar2k15 | steam3ID: [U:1:237179500] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:118589750 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: -hi7.eM.hiGh- | steam3ID: [U:1:77980] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:38990 | steamID64:...
xNk's Inventory - CSGO Exchange
Accused: | steamname: Mom's Credit Card | steam3ID: [U:1:91827042] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45913521 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: ↪TuliXX↩️ | steam3ID: [U:1:231281257] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:115640628 | steamID64:...
Scammer: | steamname: Niki | steam3ID: [U:1:235842233] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:117921116 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: Dydoooc | steam3ID: [U:1:239360427] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:119680213 | steamID64:...
csgo.exchange/item/2309923609 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^ | steamname: real gamer hdz | steam3ID: [U:1:1040228] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/816135105 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^^ | steamname: Kongen | steam3ID: [U:1:73537] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:36768...
csgo.exchange/item/106134267 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^ | steamname: The Global Anchor | steam3ID: [U:1:211873623] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/860375755 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^ | steamname: REDLIGHTS | steam3ID: [U:1:91203568] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/644044801 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^ | steamname: Awperation Headshot | steam3ID: [U:1:185404714] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/1278401163 ($15,000 inventory) #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^ | steamname: ilG always BUSY -.- | steam3ID:...
csgo.exchange/item/744892271 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^^ | steamname: Ros // If I ever feel better | steam3ID: [U:1:24674244] |...
csgo.exchange/item/41560477 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^ | steamname: R0guefreak | steam3ID: [U:1:138982744] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/2287775253 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^^^ | steamname: Jenko | steam3ID: [U:1:76831986] | steamID32:...
csgo.exchange/item/1668274378 #1 's Inventory - CSGO Exchange ^^ | steamname: ★ LuckyRill3 http://CSGOFAST.COM | steam3ID: [U:1:123450410] |...
Separate names with a comma.