Ce qu'il veut dire: Au map "Trade Idle" il y a un pièce avec le nom bibliothèque/library (il y a une étagère à livres au mur). Il est interdit de...
erm... duno thought it was classy
Orange anyone?
I like it... Is there a possibility for the admin room to watch the library? I don't know if monoculus is a good idea...
Three things; if it doesn't work after that... punch the PC: - Defrag the steam cache path:LIBRARY/Team Fortress 2/*right click*/properties/local...
i hate you waffle! for me 34
take your tongue out of our buttholes
8/10 too. many. jujus.
well... why you not after her then? :p :p :p :p
2... cause tree
erm... 34 and... 63
we will die... nuff said
sold it -request closure
Reinstalling is often the first thing to do.... You can also try to clear the cache.
yus! wewrrrri god treide mah fer mare
nuff said
you'll be missed
Funny that you say so... I'm sick atm... whatever marry x-mas
7/10 cuz scientology
Separate names with a comma.