hes just a lazy immature kid, im sure when an admin tells him to do it he will
Pastebin of the files uploaded to FoG: [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Thats the hat I was talking about, the scorching tsarboosh not the one man army, my bad
Also should mention the huge ass backpack spike from 0 to 5k that is shown on his backpack.tf vanillabeanduck's Backpack - backpack.tf
I've dealt with vanilla before, he added me back in 2014 (or early 2015 I can't recall) to sell a HUGE collection of rare vintages he claimed were...
Account isn't even owned by him anymore, you may proceed with the report.
Says he will pay me tomorrow, if he doesn't then proceed with this report, sorry for the multiple posts. As a side note, here is the value I...
Talking with him on his main right now, disregard comment above.
I've learned through one of his friends that he lent the main to a friend and now uses his alt.
Would also appreciate if you can try to talk with him first.
Victim: | steamname: FireballNitro | steam3ID: [U:1:114655772] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57327886 | steamID64:...
Request for the report on SR to be archived then report here again is what you need to do I think
What a devastating scam attempt. I am truly sorry for you.
How exactly is this a scam or fraud? Even if he is being an ass and targeting your unusuals to update? They are outdated anyways, and the...
its only worth like 700 keys but still expensive as hell
If anything, I put it there to help him cause it doesn't seem like he knows much about this at all. He viewed it on his stream and he just called...
itd be useful if you linked the actual csgo.exchange item
Wow, moe's brother too huh
Separate names with a comma.