I think what cold means, is that you cant enter a queue anymore. When you joined through server browser there was an option, join automatically...
Surf_fruits2 is already on the list of maps that will come with the next update, there will be about ~ 80-90 new maps.
Need to change that in the mapinfo, they should both be labeled as tier 1. I will add this to my pending list of map fixes and it should be fixed...
@n0name already had this planned. Donators will get reserved slots, skins for their knifes and other stuff..
Yeah, there was an exploit that allowed you to skip half of the maps, theres no real fix for this, so we removed it. Yes it is tier 3. There are...
Is it possible that you have 0 points? Because people with 0 points are excluded from all voting rights, to prevent too many shit maps^^.
I dont think this is a very good idea. Some people, me included, really try to surf competitive and 85 tick would ruin that, since most maps are...
Was in plan, but @n0name said it is very time intensive to do this, so we skipped it last update. There are less tier 1 and 2 maps and more...
Here's a list of all my current suggestions, including some bigger changes. Some of them are older, some new, just so everything is on one place:...
Could be done easily by putting a trigger over the button @n0name . Added it to my last pending list.
Endzones and other Bugs: - surf_kitsune needs a trigger over the easter egg button to avoid people spamming it, also a higher endzone wouldnt be...
Wrong Mapinfo: surf_ace_fix (tier 2 not tier 1) surf_amplitude_apex_njv (tier 2 not tier 1) surf_lullaby_ksf (tier 2 not tier 1)...
Summary of all current issues plus some new map suggestions: Map Suggestions: surf_sippysip (Tier 3) Download surf_mesa (Tier 1) (I know...
Small Bugs: (gonna edit this as soon as i find new ones) The "short" endzone on surf_utopia_v3 is only zoned on one side. It should be zoned on...
List of old maps that need to be deleted from playerinfo: "surf_004_final1", "surf_aether", "surf_and_destroy", "surf_ataque_final",...
Been a while since the last update and i collected lots of new feedback / bugs. Also gonna add pending stuff from a few weeks ago so everything is...
Seems like the map is bugged. As its not very popular either i suggest removing the map surf_psi_fixed from the server and the playerinfo...
Wrong. There is a difference between a bug and a shortcut. Surf_faint_fix had a bug, that allowed you to go through a trigger by resetting during...
A small little thing i would like to suggest: Allow the top 10 players to make a custom chat tag. So instead of [Master], [Godly], ... everyone...
There is a start and end zone. The connection to the database was down for some time yesterday which caused, that all zones were gone (on every...
Separate names with a comma.