User bought skin from opskins [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Added the accused to ask him about the trade. Im guessing he is lieing and he has not heard about steamrep either [ATTACH]
Appeals take time.
So it seems like you have lied about him not providing any proof as one you just blocked him when he started to talk as we can see in the...
As far as I am aware he will have to deal with it due to there is no way to prove that you do not use the account aswell. Do not take my word for...
You need screenshots of your trade history showing the items going to that account. Also can you go to your offer history and hover over his...
Im guessing he is banned from the server due to he is Steamrep marked because you are on the same Ip as him so he is marked as an alt of yours.
I enjoy seeing them. Also I think a big part of this forum now is just reports and ban appeals so I think it should stay.
Please upload any images to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting Also can you hover over the Ak in your trade history so we can see if it was...
| steamname: ☆Penguin The Fluffy | steam3ID: [U:1:160661736] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:80330868 | steamID64:...
^ ^ ^ A big amount did not work anyway.
Heres the ones that still worked that Nieroda put
So from the time you used csgolounge you never decided to click the button that says steamrep when you are on someones profile? Here is an example...
Some people only get cautions after there second trade but I believe due to the value of the trade is why they skipped the caution.
The reason you got markedd was your trade with the scammers. As you did it twice which the second was a high value trade. From what I understand...
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Item not found on database.
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