A server running on Turbine power (huehuehue)
I cannot promise I can run the entire game, but I have some time this weekend.
Normal alcoholic drink: Nothing beats an ice-cold beer Cocktail: Pina Colada
Create any object with my mind. And then take over the world with my Flying Fortress of Doom!
Best: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Worst: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
I have to agree with Alec, please stay on-topic guys.
I think a permanent ban is in order here, as she/he threatened to ban/get people banned.
Favorite vegetable : Pizza (Is pizza a vegetable? Well, Congress says so | Lizz Winstead | Life and style | theguardian.com) Favorite fruit :...
...Unless it's a farm.
Who are all these people???
I really don't have a favorite movie, but the one which impressed me the most is The Green Mile. Least favorite was Dragonball Evolutions.
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty,...
61, because fuck you.
You go girl! ('Murican accent)
Thanks for the report! Aimbot is obvious and we won't be a problem here anymore!
I cannot see the !voteban logs, that's a case for the boss. Although, I can read the chatlogs, and I have no reason to believe you were cheating...
At least you're giving us moar Sanic. Good luck with your job!
**My Steam Profile** *(from [SteamDB](|FoG| Holoflash · Steam Calculator · Steam Database * *Worth:* 324,84€ * *Games owned:* 35 * *Games not...
Congrats faget
Downy = Jessie Downie = James Can I be Meowth then?
Separate names with a comma.