So you've probably not noticed but I've not been playing TF2. Long story short I may have killed it by accident. Basically I installed a bunch of...
You mentioned recording proof your claim of 'admin abuse' in the chat history, I would have assumed you'd include it in the report. Currently...
Also I'm just throwing it out there, but while obviously the main debate everyone's on about is the as subtle as a nuclear blast, Hitler...
And I thought naming Villains veils stuff like "Twilight Sparkles' Panties" was bad.
What about putting it on a Genuine Original, that's like, 10 times more original than a Original.
You've dun goof'd
Just to clarify that wasn't aimed at you. Yeah, It's really great how I can reference a meme I like based on a dog and suddenly get shitposted...
I love how this thread has just become pretty much, "Stop liking what I don't like." Lemme just, eh. Lemme just help everyone here with...
Feel free revoke this, the guy I made it for decided be a bastard and try demand I got him free items.
Much opinion Wow such hate. Very not wow. Much better than pone....
Screw it sure, as horrific looking the models are and how alot of the people are outright cringeworthy, turning our severs into another version...
I seen someone wanting to trade a Unusual Cauldron bubbles Mining light and Strange Merc pride scarf for a Stormy What-ever it is you have. You...
Nope, totally an original idea n' stuff. Basically this is a thread which will do either two things: A: Fade into nothing due to the forums...
While this isn't mine, I thought 9GAG could do with sharing theirs. [img] I love R/Cringepics.
Golden Wrench Master-race.
God damn it, My computer died and now they're actually releasing shit. I call either racism or conspiracies.
So I'm going be inactive for like, worse case scenario 3 weeks. I might be writing this from a hospital due to being involved in a mugging which...
I like how I get use the same image twice in a row. [img]
Is Zombie-Fortress possible? I'm not sure if the plugin is available outside the mecha-slag server set, I never really looked into it.
Separate names with a comma.