with green lights?
Just no, 0/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAoao9FkHwE
into a lovely
sucked on a
0n the end
You guys dont get it, im not sayign we SHOULDNT im saying we COULDNT, it does let us make one. try it. It wont let us get into the template.
Oh okay and i didnt know the number of my posts mattered, but yeah sure.
Why do people keep saying that. If you dont like it "alive" just ignore it. I just commented once B)
Grave digging ... ? xD
Okay i will be the first person to post an actual appropriate ANSWER to this.......PS4 obviously. Looks at specs and performance and the PS4 is...
. So there he
and will never
No i mean we CANT apply, it wont let us. If we try to go to admin apps and create new post, it ACTUALLY won't let us. We HAVE to wait until we are...
No i cant, Junior Admins can't apply again. They need to be Senior before they can make another app. 6 weeks is when we become senior i got told,...
I am still a Junior Admin so i cant apply!! D': *Cry**Cry*
I was on JailBreak. And i saw that you joined. But then it said you were banned for duping your account. That is all i know. :P
As most of you know, i have made a thread in 'General' about norage in VSH. Well now i am curious about the ammo situation. Do most of you want...
No one has really voted on ammo yet. I will make another thread for it..
Yeah thats why i stated that most servers have limited. UNlimited just feels so......"fake". Idk I dont like it. B)
Separate names with a comma.