That's not even possible, silly :P
I second that.
While you're at it n0name, why not add bhop? B) Anyway, I don't see a problem in this being added. You can't influence other people with it.
When I use ServerStatus, I'm trying to get people to listen on a server I'm not admin on. @n0name Is it possible to correctly copy everything to...
n0:name, I don't know if you still wish to improve this. If so, you should change the way commands are executed on players. If they have special...
Downy, you're saying No bumps are allowed, but what if, for example, someone made a suggestion and it gets forgotten. Are you still allowed to...
Soo I'd suggest you give us information on you as to why it happened, who banned you, your SteamID/name at the time would also help a bunch. If...
All you can do is report it to the creator of the plugin.
And Inmates > Admio :P jk
Correct, but removing random crits from reds resulted in the discussion if guards should have permacrits. As prisoners, you've got the advantage...
Also, keep in mind that there's a 1:2 ratio of guards:prisoners. If you take that advantage away from the guards, what else do they have to...
[img] cu2soon
If anything's missing/unclear, please let me know There are already 2 reports on this guy, but they haven't been accepted yet.
Translation: Never tell your password to anyone. 14:01 - NecRoBlaZe (Robin Hood): hi 14:01 - [CBJ][FoG]Bunnie_Lord: Hey 14:01 - NecRoBlaZe (Robin...
Never tell your password to anyone. 14:01 - NecRoBlaZe (Robin Hood): hi 14:01 - [CBJ][FoG]Bunnie_Lord: Hey 14:01 - NecRoBlaZe (Robin Hood): alles...
Victim: | steamname: [CBJ][FoG]Bunnie_Lord | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:31555535 | steamID64: |...
Separate names with a comma.