Take demo, then ban
Hello people, I've created a script for myself so that I have 2 different functions assigned to my keypad buttons, which can be switched between...
To be able to switch classes and not suicide (as far as i know), the map should have a spawn room area designated. If it doesn't have this, you'll...
If reds can do it, blues can do it as well, yet when they did it with the old H&S config, people started whining it was unfair. I like the...
Cetru, you're getting it wrong. It's just the color of the hat that changes. Not the skin color.
Edited OP to change the definition of Freeday. Added definition Tree.
I know the option has been there. I know I could also crash servers with it. Idk if it's going to return.
There is a way. VAC. It just takes a bit longer.
Hello, another suggestion from your favourite bunnie. A list of terminology with it's definitions for jailbreak, as I've had some people complain...
Me - What Trader - I buy your quadwrangler Me - No Trade Canceled
fate / stay night fate / zero Neon Genesis Evangelion (the ending is shit) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Kill La Kill
I don't think it's going to happen, however, when installed on Trade, also install it on Jailbreak.
N0:name's definition of "Saturday" does not equal the general definition of "Saturday"
So, to toggle low-gravity, enable sm_friendly on the target.
Why don't we ban the other guy as well for harassing? On-topic: Everybody loses their cool sometimes. TBH, I think this is a case of harassment...
@HQGroup is the winner. Contact me through Steam for your activation code. #Closed
http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/2253-activity-points-system-how-works-pricelist.html This should help you out.
Okay, can't enter any more. I'll do some stuff and then I'll announce the winner
Got a goat sim key 4 free with my campzone ticket. Post something and I'll raffle it next Thursday at 12 pm CEST.
This thread is my favourite soap.
Separate names with a comma.