Accused vasya 127 [U:1:853445715] Date/time 3/19/2018 6:30 - 6:40 AM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #1 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | EU1-1 Description He...
Accused jake080455 [U:1:474785928] Date/time 3/18/2018 6:00 PM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description I was...
Accused Scout [U:1:485504326] driton-xhema75 [U:1:245261987] Date/time 3/18/2018 6:25 - 6:35 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! -...
Accused ORANGE CHEESE PUFF [U:1:438600900] AGHTUYU99 Vitto [U:1:423362896] Date/time 3/18/2018 6:25 - 6:35 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE...
Accused roof/ebozek02 Date/time 3/16/2018 9:08 PM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS!...
Accused roof/ebozek02 Date/time 3/16/2018 9:08 PM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! -...
More of a bug than anything else. As you can see in the video, whenever I shoot my sniper it shoots two bullets. I click once and two bullet come...
Accused KOALA [U:1:324392653] Date/time 3/13/2018 7:50 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #1 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | EU1-1 Description And even more...
Accused spanishman [U:1:316225370] Date/time 3/13/2018 7:40 AM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #1 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | EU1-1 Description This...
Accused oç vurucu [U:1:481837030] Da PikaChu [U:1:474719705] plshelpme556 [U:1:861957763] Date/time 3/13/2018 7:15 - 7:20 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle...
OwO what's this?
hey there qt 3.14
Hahaha. He's not even trying to hide it! Just to add to the hilarity of this situation, he traded a dude a 5 key strange for a Genuine Spec Ks...
Accused =WL=Tommy Date/time 3/10/18 11:50 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! -...
Accused kingivan31 Date/time 3/7/2018 7:03 - 7:23 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! -...
Accused Panda_Love Date/time 3/7/2018 7:03 - 7:23 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! -...
Accused ►★Dark vader★◄ Date/time 3/7/2018 7:03 - 7:23 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE...
Accused hassanhaidar2005 Date/time 3/7/2018 7:03 - 7:23 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE...
If you watch the video from the point of the spy you can see where it happened. The spy is invisible, you can see that he does a 180 degree turn,...
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