Accused: | steamname: Fluttershy | steam3ID: [U:1:75940129] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37970064 | steamID64:...
Private information, using the [SHOWTOGROUPS] BBCode tags.
Do you have any idea how we may have connected you to the scammer?
Bumping your appeal will only delay a verdict. Please be patient.
As you are tagged by us and not SteamRep, please close your appeal on SR as they will not handle it. You can find it here: Pending - Appeal:...
I mean, more than it is now.
If you would like to appeal your SteamRep tag, please do so at the following template using the following information: Ban Appeal [spoiler]...
Just no. Would destroy the economy.
You have also been banned for making lies up to try and get someone tagged on SR. Care to explain? See: Fortress of Gamers - Sourcebans
What I regard as "Hitler Stuff": Anything promoting Nazis/Nazism Swastika Pictures of Hitler Any form of jokes about the above
SteamRep Block: | steamname: Hextar13 | steam3ID: [U:1:76694619] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:38347309 | steamID64:...
Ban information: Fortress of Gamers - Sourcebans @n0name
Your previous appeal was denied permanently. Please see the last post at the following link for more information:...
You have admit, the new taunts are hilarious. I mean, just look at this image with this song: [img]
@I Kill S> Team Shine Kits Could you please upload your screenshots to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and post them here.
Kill me now.
I believe there is a syntax error with the kick command. When you try to kick someone via ServerStatus, if they have more than one word in their...
Separate names with a comma.