Thats fine. Just next time (if you get unbanned, which is not my decision) you know the rules clearly now. If you see anyone else using a racial...
Just as a short Information: This word is in fact a racial slur and therefore counts as Racism, which is a Permanent Ban Reason stated in our...
Banning the guy with no name for one Month for the Following Offences: Glitching, Mass Freekilling, Chatspam (Just look at his Chatlog) There is...
Ther permanent Guardban probaply resulted from the acual permaban you got for Mass Freekilling back in the day that wierdly "Expired"...
I took the risk to click the Link and can confirm that the Link doesn't even lead anywhere. [spoiler] This still doesn't change that the User...
1. You can't appeal Mutes or Gags. So this is not needed. 2. That would result into not having a warden at all or it being locked more than it...
His Steamrep block: | steamname: malte313 | steam3ID: [U:1:81103404] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40551702 | steamID64:...
Alright. I will reject this Report, because of following reasons: 1. The tag of the Person who sprayed it is missing 2. Only half of the Spray is...
[spoiler]Whats that Vacban from 184 days ago then? I'm acually kinda scared that if this gets accepted you would start Cheating again. You seemed...
Sorry about that. I want over the demo again after reading all those comments and they are correct. Even tho I have no concrete evidence of him...
Firstoff: No. He was a bit rude yes but nothing that bad. The moment he started writing in caps was when the Hacker started deleting the Chat with...
This user has been Permanently banned for the following reasons: Aimbotting, Spinbotting, Advertising a Cheat in the Chat Thank you for your...
Went over the dome fairly quickly since it's a really long one. Didn't see anything that would put pressure on either Starfish or BALD CUNT. So...
Alright alright. Firstoff please stop shitposting in this Report guys. Secoundoff: After a short talk with n0:name about this I'm taking back that...
Will look over that when I have the time. I might reconsider the Punishments depending what the demo shows. Thanks for the Evidence.
Alright. Here is how I see things: The singing from BALD CUNT and Starfish wasn't that bad that I would mute them for it. Thats why I hereby give...
This thread isn't about the cloak. It's about the disguise kit which is currently useless in any szenario except for Custom LRs.
Chill down in this Thread guys. Someone (Probaply me) will look at the demo later this day and make a verdict. There is no need for a Discussion...
Separate names with a comma.