Your SteamRep block: | steamname: Frosty™ | steam3ID: [U:1:160357667] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:80178833 | steamID64:...
The User in question was already banned for one month for this incident. Therefore this Report can be closed. Thank you for your Report.
What ️CatiaMarleneFR-PT said was meant as a question. Not as a racist insult. But the fact that she used a Racial slur still has to be respected....
SourceTV Recordings that were recorded around the described times:...
Banned him for a week. Thank you for your Report.
Hello, so after I successfully pushed the 2fort Rules about the Intelligence, I collected some Feedback about it from players that where...
Yeah. It's just a "Call Admin" thingy. It gives us the Profile of the Offender and a quick info of what he is doing. This shouldn't be discussed...
Hello, I would like to see two 2fort specific rules added to the rulelist: _____________________________________ -Do not spam the Serverwide...
Your specific Banreason was: "advertising, making fun of our servers, just get out." Anyways, @Starfish do you still have the Evidence about...
There is a reason n0:name said "If you got evidence" Don't file a report if you don't have any evidence at all, or even worse: if you don't even...
The acual banreason is: You have been banned by players votes (Cheating) So yeah it's only a voteban. So n0:name has to handle this, or you...
Sniper and Scout :3
Accused | Lipzh ツ | STEAM_0:0:203968632 Date/time 18.09.2017 18:17 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] ::
Accused Ants in my eyes Johnson | STEAM_0:0:91506964 Date/time 18.09.2017 18:13 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] ::...
Accused YourMother | STEAM_0:1:89273682 Date/time 18.09.2017 18:00 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] :: Description...
Just as a sidenote: I don't believe this is a song containing nazism. They DO sing "Deutschland Deutschland" once but I think all in all the song...
This might come as a suprise for you but you wont be getting my support either. I still remember that day where you freaking wrote me on steam to...
Seeing that he potentially Freekilled more than 5 People I'm going to ban him for one Week. The Wilku guy that Freekilled 2 People is going to get...
The first demo (called hgedo.dem) didnt show me anything about the Accused. He just killed anyone that fell behind by delaying, which is...
Alright. I downloaded the 2 Demos in question and Uplaoded them on the Fileserver: The...
Separate names with a comma.