I have said I'm not trying to start shit but oh well, problem with all you lot is that you think every argument is a shit storm, until you get...
Calm down Spartan, you'll start a shitstorm, also, I'm not hating on anyone, you are the one calling me a brat, like I said, go and do your job,...
That's a stupid thing to do, you could of easily dealt with them yourself, although now you are going to say, 'oh I was just testing him', you...
I'm not starting anything, I'm just saying, the only reason you are unavailable is because you are reading the thread, like Jaffa, now while I...
That's a poor excuse Spartan, go and take some of them reports and deal with them like you are supposed to, just because he's active doesn't mean...
Where are all the other JB admins then? not taking reports?, telling Jaffa he doesn't claim reports all the time is just really stupid, you are...
So you accusing him of 'tiny admin abuse' means he should have his powers stripped from him?, being a former admin Dark you should know this is...
This is on topic, it's just that you are going to think I'm trying to cause an argument/shitstorm for no reason, don't you dare think that, I'm...
Don't give me none of that, whirling back to a thread long ago it was you who said you didn't care about being a role model for FoG/FoG Servers at...
Only 24 posts? how in the hell did this guy get admin, isn't there a rule stating you should visit the forums regularly?
Yeah you are simply not liked because of what you do, you're habits basically, what you say and do may affect admins judgement apon you, you know,...
The only resignation that mattered, love you Ace.
Because Downy doesn't arrive fast enough, and since server admins tend to be biased towards their friends, it shouldn't be allowed, and anyway, I...
Me and some other members of FoG are getting real tried of the le meme shit posters in the shout box, IT WAS NOT INTENDED FOR THIS TYPE OF CRAP,...
Please address this in a thread, get rid of the immature le meme spammers ability to spam the shout box with their useless dribble and have it...
Talking to you is like trying to talk to a wall, you can abuse something you paid for whether you like it or not, you can't just simply accept the...
Why do you think you can't abuse something you paid for? Jackboy clearly did abuse with his weapons and he is sorry for it, stop thinking because...
I'm talking about other times you trash talk, skimming through your chat-log reveals you swearing at people a lot.
See what you might think is a harmless joke is actually pissing everyone off in the server, also judging from your chat-log, you are a huge...
I've provided proof of you saying you are going to heal the entire red team, see what you didn't know is that everything you say get's put into a...
Separate names with a comma.