Check with the person in your house who is paying for internet, they probably know if it is trough wire like ADSL or trough air like 3G or 4G.
[HIDDEN CONTENT] Hi and thanks for your appeal, I would like to ask you a question regarding your internet connection. What kind of connection...
Sorry it took a little longer than expected. There is some good news though. We are willing to give you a second chance, however the story isn't...
I am not sure what to think about your appeal, leaving me kinda in the middle. It seems you aren't putting a whole lot of effort in it, shifting...
Looks like your connection to the server is fine, as it find its way to the server (couple of different hops than from my connection but thats...
I can connect just fine and there are people in the server. Maybe the problem is on your side or only occurs trough your connection? Could you...
Wait you are correct! I did ban one of your alts for aimbotting. This one: | steamname: try me black chick | steam3ID: [U:1:492825688] |...
Ehm, never banned you for aimbot or hacking. If you look it up yourself I banned you for (mic)spam which you tend to do a lot. However you weren't...
I let some other admins peer review the report that has been made. The majority said they wouldn't describe it as hacking. So I will have to...
Not sure what is worse, that you said those words or that "they just slipped without me even noticing it"? I am not really convinced you even...
Staneo, pointed it out pretty well. Closing this.
Hi Vizie, Thank you for your ban appeal. I am the person that invoked the ban, the material I watched was 'sketchy', sometimes it is really hard...
Separate names with a comma.