Can you list all of your alt accounts below? @glopty2 you have until the 8th to reply.
Archiving this appeal.
Gunna accept this appeal. You've left the group and as far as I can tell you weren't an officer in said group. Plus unless theres proof that you...
How were you hijacked and how did you recover your account?
Rejecting for now. I'm not going to review your ban for at least another month, so reappeal then. @Downy @Downie @n0name can one of you lock?
Accepted. Full tag for fake trade offer.
The reason that you're single is that your expectations are too high. You should be aiming for someone without a pulse.
Please can you provide a: -ScreenShot of your paypal history- showing all the activity(go back 1 month, from the date of the scam)-in full screen,...
Hello @Timur1214 , in order to proceed with your report please add a: -ScreenShot of your paypal history- showing all the activity(go back 1...
Note - If you don't reply by the 26th of December I'll archive the appeal.
Just FYI I'll be handling this appeal.
Among other things, he said he sent you a paypal invoice. Which is a scam in it's own right. Full ban for this. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Are you saying that the chargeback failed? Your description was slightly unhelpful.
Rejecting this. Not a scam its just a troll.
I'm going to reject this for now. You admitted to attempting to scam someone, so you deserve punishment no matter what drove you to do it. However...
Not broken. It's been set that way.
Found links between the following accounts: | steamname: DeadRobber | steam3ID: [U:1:182387826] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:91193913 | steamID64:...
More notes: [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Accepted. Full tag will be applied for impersonating. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Separate names with a comma.