Hello @ProKeX (Recently Hacked) , I'm going to deny this appeal. However I'm granting you a change to make a new appeal, make sure that if you're...
Biggest shitposter - Dark Laziest admin - (it used to be me.) no idea Best looking in real life - Dark Sexiest voice - no idea. Shortest...
| steamname: Chino | steam3ID: [U:1:311859719] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:155929859 | steamID64:
Do you have any alt accounts?
| steamname: Master Blaster | steam3ID: [U:1:216689613] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:108344806 | steamID64:...
When you have access to it again, can you make the screenshots like @n0name asked?
did you actually go then?
Archiving this. You can make another appeal, but next time keep track of it.
Archiving. You can appeal again
In this case I'd say it would be best to reverse the trade.
Accepted. Your tag will be removed.
Can you link us to the person who got given your knife?
One more thing, what were the dates on which you were hacked?
If the report is set to pending tag, the ban hasnt been added yet.
how was your account hacked and how was it recovered? Also can you not upload compressed files, but just the images directly (you should get given...
@Tio José das Vacas will handle this appeal.
can you upload all images to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and can you take the trading history screenshots from your steam browser (feel free...
Separate names with a comma.