5/10 old. heard too many times, but still good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RweHT-ijy1w
I'm gunna go to Netherlands soon, spend time with my boyfriend, go for a camping and otherwise being a geek with him and my best friends. :3
I've had a chat with him. He said he won't be posting anything anymore. [IMG]
Mah Gawd, that's Hagelslag! It's like heaven @_@ And I love sweets so I put nutella on a toast and yet those on nutella :D Double mouthgasm c:
Idk about the rest but it sounds like fun to me. Fin 420 noscope blaze it yeeeeeeeeeeeah.
http://i.imgur.com/K1f8bol.png And I'm happy enough with this bunch. Still didn't try like half of it. xD
http://janeduttonutrecht.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/hagelslag-en-nutella.jpg I need nothing more but a good movie with it.
-infinity/10 ponies ew >A< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvbCUO7ZLAE&index=160
2/10 just no... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0Ko5Rm1fzU&index=163 <3
I'm sorry to hear ): ... Damn this must feel terrible for you but stay strong man..
Hot/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyccduaJoEw&index=155
5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2aStu0Kbjc BUHNANAS! : DDD
Lel. Bye.
Grow up, kiddo! :)
5 Jun 2014 23:53:33 Severe grade a 100% doctor certified autism 2Fort :: F-o-G.eu - Instant Respawn :: EU1 5 Jun 2014 23:53:23 Don't ban...
Good luck with your tests! :3
Have a calm trip ^^
Good luck with your exams, hope you'll do your best! (:
Separate names with a comma.