Like i said i didnt know that i was going to be banned, if i did i wouldnt have sent you the link / done it in the first place. also you didnt...
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: (EvilS) Swuft | steam3ID: [U:1:116804026] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:58402013 | steamID64:...
123 - The amount of times i have plotted to kill you <3
I am aware :P, maybe I can't explain properly so I will just be silent. One last try... The shitposting rules say that short posts are shitposts...
Link 1 : Me responding to Spartan accusing jaffa of giving long ban times and reminding him that he gave me a 10000 minute ban Link 2 : Me talking...
Please tell me which reports I have posted on which I have nothing to do with?
Silly response, it's because of people like you who make over people feel depressed over Internet messaging. Of course I don't want to be banned,...
Go ban me then :P
I don't understand the joke :P
This is going on forever :p , why don't I just go and delete every post I have ever made. Maybe then people would be happy and leave me alone,...
So someone new comes to the forum and they see someone "Shitpost" they just continue scrolling through the forums but if someone sees a guy who is...
I feel like Tom is going a bit far with the whole ban Swuft thing, I have done nothing to Tom to deserve him constantly monitoring me and looking...
Tom, if you have a problem just ask me instead of longing out the whole shitposting thing, I am pretty sure anyone new to the forums wouldn't feel...
So his comments have nothing to do with his age eh? Then why does Spartan spam me with hateful shit like Jaffa is a child etc and he talks about...
Girls, stop fighting. Jaffa was wrong but I'm sure that he is willing to change, there is no need to bully him into thinking that he should resign...
Tranquillised Bellendor: >I was only 9 years old >I loved Downie so much, I had all the Baby Hairs and Family Photos >I pray to Downie every night...
xD Spartan is still trying to educate people about ban lengths when originally everyone was complaining about HER ban lenghts
1) I complained to you about my ban times LOADS of times faffa xD 2) Please don't make Faffa feel like he is the only admin doing stuff wrong...
Wait a fucking second xD, Spartan is accusing admins of giving long ban times? You banned me from guards for 10000 minutes spent alive :P
Separate names with a comma.