this one? [ATTACH]
there's a thing that when admin joins he doesnt do anything of it i belive.
It's my anger issues im talking about and i didn't use it as an excuse i just said i easily loose my temper
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: Hunter major inactivity spike | steam3ID: [U:1:151360469] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:75680234 | steamID64:...
happy birthday Jordan
They lost connection a while ago Bacon called him a cunt or something like that, so this has notjing to do with "connections"
Not wtc can you stop removing the classic maps
Well admins do this, and i dont give a f**k about what people think of me especially YOU!
We dont count it as an exploit since everyone does it, so yes he didn't know that isn't allowed
You do know that all of the JB admins and pretty much everyone has done this right?
He doesn't want to be banned! So he didn't do this just to break the rules, probs did it on accident and thought it was funny
*cough* i never got warnings * cough*
i see it fixed?
best of luck ahead
why do u not do this the same year you got banned, u can say that he still has intrerest since he still cares about the server, but he most likely...
Mundy ur a legend
-50/10 nah m8 *makes thread* rate how retarded hunter is
No this will make it annoying and boring sometimes when u cant play the class you want to play.
Separate names with a comma.