Thankyou and goodluck!
ew, I don't like this thread!
[IMG] Josh. Josh... Josh, I am disappointed.
Gloves!!!! That's game breaking stuff.
I've spoken to Avaritia and Baiyan, and we believe you deserve a second chance. So I am going to unban you. Make sure this is the last time you...
Marking as invalid we do not handle appeals in which the ban is less than 6 Months. Closed.
With Avaritia's agreement I will remove the ban. Keep your promise to not play music/sounds, this is your last chance. Closed & Moved
Regarding this headset, I agree it is excellent for sound quality and sound cancellation. However the big drawback is the microphone quality. If...
Goodluck with your endeavours, I hope to chat with you again in the future!
All "Zoned" Maps are uploaded to their respective servers. Listing thread as Implemented 1-3 Server surf_annoyance_njv surf_kz_protraining...
The maps under "Zoned" are ready to be uploaded to public servers, will do a final check over them with Avaritia on Tuesday(Today) before...
We do not handle scam related stuff here on the forums anymore. Please visit,
Worst game. [IMG] 0.4hrs to many!
Dirt 3 Complete Edition Free for limited time Ends: 12/11/16 In DiRT 3...
Everything sounds kewl, but I dread the thought of trails in surf. It is extremely distracting, I surfed on another server which had it...
n0 has found the cause for dragon_fix to be broken, and has put the fix into place.
Map loads for me, now that I've got your map file. But that is still a huge issue whether or not we can actually use it unless we deduce the...
To test your theory, send me a dropbox link of dragon and I'll test it later
Well, I'll test it with a few friends in a bit to see if they crash. I just got a few people to test, Crashes for: Yoda n0:name ElToredo Baiyan...
Separate names with a comma.