I'll be investigating this one instead then. Thanks for the report.
Under investigation. Thanks for the report. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Can't rule out that the freekiller saw Mun go AFK and then decided that was a great opportunity to go on a rampage. Anyway, not to defer from...
TFW chick was broadcasting hentai to Steam
This report is accepted and the accused will be given a full tag. Thanks for your report. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
@advicebanana that's why I said next time. I already had collected it myself this time. ;)
I'm somewhat confident bans for cheating are community-wide, because they tend to fall under the behavioral rules more so than the per-server...
@Cobalt Accepted. Thanks for your report.
@advicebanana Accepted. However, next time you report someone for impersonation, please include the following: An SR block of the victim of...
Accepted. Thanks for your report @advicebanana . [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Should probably put this in spoilers and tag it NSFW.
Thank you, the report will be Accepted and a full tag will be applied. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Due to OP having handled these items, this report will be archived.
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: Umbrellа™ | steam3ID: [U:1:127222109] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:63611054 | steamID64:...
Must've misinterpreted that then. Still, can you really dictate where people put their sentries? The only area that's really off-limits is near...
Frag isn't much better. From time to time, Rick Astley requests get accepted on there aswell. Not to mention that they're playing Pink Floyd right...
Would be completely silly to accept a suggestion like this. You are not allowed to stay near your own spawn for longer than X seconds. ???
Accepted. The accused will be tagged on ground of SR policy reason 6: "06. Impersonating".
Accepted. The accused willl recieve a full tag.
Separate names with a comma.