Accused False Positive U:1:861533103 Princess U:1:491960526 Date/time 9:54 AM 3/13/2018 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall |...
Accused Ibuix U:1:491960526 Date/time 10:17 am 3/13/2018 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description Racism...
Accused 幻滅〆殘影の楓 U:1:448851168 Date/time 9:00am 3/13/2018 Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description Porn/NSFW...
I really couldn't tell myself but thank you.
Accused Sae U:1:180544524 Date/time 3/10/2018 8:43 am Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description Most of the...
Accused Exp U:1:58435330 Date/time 3/10/2018 5:34 am Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description Player is using...
Accused lenny U:1:429334697 - LordOrange - *-E D Y-* U:1:435224767 Genius U:1:244857472 Date/time 3/10/2018 5:14 am Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 |...
The account is 2 days old.
Thank you!
Can I be unbanned please? I didn't even camp!
Dude I didn't camp you!
SteamRep block | steamname: princess13456789 | steam3ID: [U:1:854390172] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:427195086 | steamID64:...
It should count as spawncamping because people keep throwing rockets and flares into spawn so the team doesn't come out.
Saying the N word is pretty offensive and racist man.
How do I open a dem file?
I don't see nipples or anything NSFW
Accused ====Salad==== U:1:455018478 Date/time 2/25/2018 7:06 AM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #3 | FREE ITEMS! - !givemeall | US1-23 Description Racism...
It wasn't very instant to me.
Yes you're because you were insulting me and disrespecting me, Also it wasn't light as you said.
Separate names with a comma.