Steamrep block: | steamname: [FoGA] TheBluekr | steam3ID: [U:1:127615625] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:63807812 | steamID64:...
@Tio José das Vacas Unsure about his reasons about the declining of your appeal but so far you've been quite unclear there. I'll wait till he...
Nice necropost you have there :^)
Correction "to use all functions make sure you are logged in!" or "to use all functions make sure you're logged in!" There's a typo at "funktion"...
Rip another member I guess. Haven't really known you, blame that I've been like 3-4 times at 2fort .-. , but could had been fun. Goodbye I guess...
@Watson Ye, we do have infinite money mvm at TF2.
;-; Rip, it's been fun while it lasted. Hopefully I'll see you still around. Notice me my box companion .-.
@2Fort Admin
@n0name The spam is also gone at VSH, guess it was the same issue as at JB unless you ment something else.
Nice template Ninja Fahlo[SPOILER] Oku![SPOILER] Koga73[SPOILER] Pruu[SPOILER] Enstage[SPOILER] Someone[SPOILER]
Rip TF2 section I guess, hopefully we'll still see you around at Discord.
Rip tf2
@The Boss @Downcorp Member @Another Downcorp Member @Another Boss (of my section) (Why isn't he accepted as downcorp member) There are some...
Wb I guess Bit weirdish thread to start with
That should solve the issue I've seen at VSH.
*insert some kind of insult aimed at @A Brony and this thread about it being too hard to participate* Can't think of something .-.
Can I join the judge too? Not creative so don't bother trying to make me join .-.
This could be nice. Do I even have a chance somewhere? .-.
Separate names with a comma.