Nice name
Flop of the Line
A wise fog member once said something along the lines of "-name- if you don't take your head out of -name-'s arse, you're going to drown in his...
It's a shame that a lot of people do not have the PC, or the bandwith for streaming.
2015: The Year of Unoriginality?
Just wait until people start asking for dick pics.
Knock Knock, Who's there? This thread is fucking stupid
Cya, nerd?
Naughty Bump.
I'm absolutely mad for football. The whole technical aspect of the game is seriously one of the most interesting things to look at (in my opinion...
You can play the newest maps for free anyway, they've changed how it works now.
Added to the list and invited to the group.
The 'B' in 1b is clearly different though, so I couldn't be that. However, I've quickly checked the H, and it seriously looks like it could be a 2...
Looks like h006 to me
That's not the kind of private server I had in mind, I was thinking about a dedicated one as self hosted private servers are normally terrible.
No idea on how that's going to work without a private server
My alt is Silver Elite Master, which I have used to play with Dark. Added to the list.
Updated with a suggestion to add me for possible confusion, for anyone who has already seen the thread.
The last ‘Major’ of the year, Dreamhack Winter is coming to a close as I type this, with over three hundred thousand people tuning in to watch the...
Me and the crew on a #wicked Saturday night like. [spoiler]
Separate names with a comma.