I'll start it off with http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/2079-rate-music-above-you/ .
Pub Scrubs. YouTube is TV now.
The moment I fragged Notch. The real one. [img]
Laggy, basic, already been done, no creativity. Needs more blood. 9.3/10 -IGN
Pudge Wars.
22:56 - fog | xxsam: Hi, why the add? 22:56 - Fleudeu: im add 22:56 - Fleudeu: because 22:57 - Fleudeu: im see shred aleri in 22:57 - Fleudeu:...
Either Ulfsaar, Barathrum, Geomancer or Carl. Or scout.
Forwarded to SR.
Attempted Victim: | steamname: fog | xxsam | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40289304 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040844336 |...
Ipswich: Orange-coloured snake is hit by vehicle in Rushmere Road This is as good as you'll get here, nothing ever happens except the odd...
I can now win at dota for a while
18:38 - fog | xxsam: What CSGO cases should I open 18:38 - Damiensdk: uh 18:38 - Damiensdk: how much are you planning on spending 18:38 - fog |...
[img] I predict about 5 people will understand. Oh yeah, and this: [img]
-1 this would involve me changing a future texture in unusual trade.
22:26 - Smeg: сука 22:26 - Smeg: шзауц 22:26 - Smeg: сцщуаоц 22:26 - Smeg: АЗУщха 22:26 - Smeg: цуаузща 22:26 - Smeg: лфьуа 22:26 - Smeg: шпк...
depressants or psychotropics or both
@Downie Down with the bourgeoisie. Only Downie will get this.
Anything dota related is pretty much doable, example, I've made a set of salves which give temporary attribute boosts which wear off when attacked.
On topic please
Separate names with a comma.