Couldn't pass this but.. Read your SM application and you said: Isn't that contradictory lol
Now that you've had another opinion on Python, later today I may go make some code in C++, JS and Python (same thing I'm gonna make in each...
Already really fluent in JS. Python doesnt interest me. It's syntax isn't like C++, JS etc. Sure, it's easy but the syntax is a bad habit and the...
Actually that's a good idea: I could make plugins :P
I'm fine doing c++ without a website teaching me it
Only 12 rn so I'm still trying to see what kind of language I like and what I wanna do for my job in the future. Developing a website could be...
Currently learning C++ as my primary language but I was wondering, what other languages (not Javascript, Python, etc.) are good?
rsh0e has also freekilled ^ Another thing to get him banned. No evidence of it but I'm sure others witnesses would agree
IMO, I think it's fine the way it is right now - speaking as a player who usually rebels. This post is pretty similar: Can we please get rid of...
a wise man once said, i'm a gay lesbian
Type 'status' into the console to get the SteamID of everyone on the server currently next time.
For reference, this is his SteamRep block | steamname: RiddleMan | steam3ID: [U:1:173896806] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:86948403 | steamID64:...
the snowy version of the map is way too bright i'd rather have darker than brighter
I believe I went on another jailbreak server with a feature like this and I think it used SourceMod
I meant that they shouldn't add a bot to detect voice but rather one that detects how long you've kept the microphone on for - detects if you've...
Might, might not. Atleast people would know they actually have a microphone. I don't think a bot would be able to recognise people speaking....
I thought of a feature for the Jailbreak server. Basically, when you go on BLU, the server would automatically switch you to RED until it detects...
Separate names with a comma.