I feel this potential new rule would be more convenient than useful Another example would be in deathrun Warden: "All traps are activated" Reds...
Closing tomorrow Looks like vsh_island_b1 and vsh_2fortdesk_v8 will be added to the rotation I still believe vsh_north_mountain_pb should be...
gay in general
No, everyone can use sm_* commands
CTRL is usually for crouch and caps lock is usually for switching between upper and lowercase Why not numpad :thonk:
IMO, dust showdown shouldn't be removed but north mountain should (a very unappealing map with bad textures and bad hitboxes for objects) EDIT:...
On wardays, there is currently no rule to disallow sentries outside of the region warday is taking place in (except armoury thanks to the rule...
Accused poket medic - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198804143773/ - soldier in demo Spaps -...
AKA Gassy Gecko
Hi, I'm yperz and I got some 2 new map suggestions and 1 updated map for the FoG VSH server. Download all of the maps First off, vsh_coldvine...
A simple copy paste of the console contents is not enough. You should provide a screenshot of it instead (even better than this is video/demo...
You'll be told when you'll be unbanned once this appeal is accepted. If it's not, then good luck on another appeal. Be patient
Steamrep Block | steamname: lil F2P | steam3ID: [U:1:485784549] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:242892274 | steamID64:...
I'd like one. blue-green background white text "yperz" with glitch effect in centre
Personally, I think you should be unbanned. [IMG] The way you phrased the message suggests it was a joke. You told them all to stop saying the...
grats on senior
When did it happen? 14.09.2015 20:33 Was an auto ban from console. Didn't have any previous bans.
As in: -You bought it although it wont work -Can't buy it or some other thing?
Separate names with a comma.